Sunday, October 26, 2008

Christian America and the Middle East

Why is it that Christian America is completely against the Koran which was written by primitive Middle Eastern bigoted intolerant men who taught that slavery was okay and that women are second class citizens?

Why does Christian America so adamantly defend the Bible which was written by primitive Middle Eastern bigoted intolerant men who taught that slavery was okay and that women are second class citizens?

1 comment:

David Jones said...

Mike, Not all Christianity is against Muslims and the Koran. Be careful of using definitives. I would disagree and say that Christians as a whole have been much more open in dialoguing with Muslims than any other religious group. You may not know about it, because the press doesn't report the work of the Christians in reaching out to Muslims.

Second, you are really reaching with the Bible treating women as second class citizens. All of that must be kept in the context of the culture and history, but historically speaking, Jews had a much higher view of woman than most of the surrounding cultures.