Sunday, October 26, 2008

Why I will Vote No on Prop. 8

San Diego, California - Prop 8 states, "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California." Either you believe in the separation of Church and State or you overtly and blatantly are against one of the most important principles (from the First Amendment) of the United States of America. If you believe the U.S. needs to be guided on Christian principles, then you must believe that the U.S. can be guided on the principles of all religions. Either you believe in the separation of Church and State, or you don’t. In addition, either you believe in equal rights for all Americans or you don’t.

It seems that Prop 8 was written by straight people who insist their sexuality is the only valid sexuality to be recognized by law. Homophobic straight people apparently are the gurus of human sexuality; they have taken it upon themselves to publicly take a vote to prove they have the last word on human sexuality.

Homophobic straight people wear blinders when it comes to sexuality and can’t recognize there is sexual diversity in our world. Homophobic straight people say that gay sex is unnatural. Of course it is unnatural for straight people to have gay sex. As it is unnatural for gay people to have straight sex. When gays ask straight people to vote for marriage equality, it does not mean that gays are asking straight people to be gay!

Gays are not saying that marriage for straight people should be between a straight person and a gay person, or that all marriages should be gay. Gay people are saying marriage for gay people is between two gay guys or between two lesbians. Gay people don’t want to marry a straight person.

If you are straight and vote for marriage equality, it does not mean that you are partially gay or that you want to be gay or that you are secretly gay or you could change to be gay. It simply means you recognize: A) There is sexual diversity in our world. B) There is a clear separation of Church and State. C) There should be equality for all Americans.

People are born gay. It is not a choice. If homophobic straight people insist that sexuality is a choice then straight people where born gay and chose to be straight. As the last sentence makes no sense so does the opposite sentence that straight people illogically spout: Gays were straight and then chose to be gay.

For those who oppose equal rights based on religious interpretation we could go back 2,000 years ago to know that Jesus’ main message (beside salvation) is one of love not of hate. However, we only need to look back to the year 1843.

In 1843 Physician Martin Berry discovered a sperm and an egg is necessary for conception. What was science's answer to conception before 1843? The male sperm was a miniature baby. Why was sperm called the seed in the Bible? You plant a seed in the soil, water it and it grows into a plant or tree.

The Bible was written in the science and culture of it’s day. When the Bible was written, the science of the day stated the process of conception was the same as the plant world. Man plants a seed (sperm/entire baby) into a woman (soil/incubator), she waters it (with blood) and it grows. Why was masturbation, gay sex and straight people pulling out to practice birth control—wrong, according the writers of the Bible? They thought it was murder.

1 comment:

David Jones said...

Mike, I think the state should be out of the marriage business completely and only do civil unions. The problem isn't that the church is trying step into the arena of the state, but that the state has already stepped into and institutionalized its involvement in marriage, which prior to WW2, was the business of the church, not the state. Let the state perform civil unions, and let the religious institutions define marriage as they see fit. Some will continue to perform only marriages for heterosexuals, and others will perform marriages for gay and straight. This would take marriage completely out of the political arena. We need to get the state out of the business of the church.