Friday, October 31, 2008

Should Gay Boys be Admitted in the Boy Scouts of America?

Here is a direct quote from a homophobic parent writing to Scouting for All: "Any homosexual person in the scouts is a threat to straight children. It is not fair to the heterosexuals to bunk with or take showers with homosexuals. Straight people have rights too."

If your kids are absolutely straight, why worry that one look or nod from a gay kid might turn your "straight" child gay? If your child is really straight he will have no interest in same-sex sex. Ask yourself, if a gay person suggested gay sex to me, would I "turn"? Of course not, because you are straight. The real question for parents is: Am I afraid gay kids will find my children attractive? Or, conversely, is my fear really based on my paranoia that my child will find other kids of the same sex attractive?

♥ "We will no longer tolerate our gay youth having to remain invisible out of fear. We are working to help create a society where gay (GLBT) and atheist youth will feel safe, accepted, and loved for the beautiful individuals they are blessed to be." —Scouting For All Board of Directors, Members, and Volunteers. See: Scouting for All

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