Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Audacity of People.

Why do a certain percentage of straight people have the audacity to claim they are the gurus of human sexuality? How do they know for a fact—without a shadow of a doubt—they have the ultimate universal knowledge their sexuality is the only valid sexuality on earth and for that matter, our galaxy and the entire known universe?

1 comment:

Tom Interval said...

As a straight man, I just want to clarify that there is a large percentage of us who are sickened by the overt bigotry many straight people demonstrate on a daily basis. But what sickens me the most is that the bigotry ascends to the highest levels of society, including the presidency. What does the rest of the world think about the United States when even its leader thinks gays are worth less than other human beings? So much for supporting equality and setting a good example for future generations.