Friday, October 31, 2008

It's Obvious That Gay Doesn't Work Because There Would be no People Left on Earth.

It's obvious that gay doesn't work, because if everyone was gay, there would be no people left on earth. This is a fools argument that I've heard from homophobic people in person and online. And it's a big fat lie. Because there will never be an all gay society, just as there will never be an all straight society. Wake up people!

There have always been gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people on earth, ever since man has been on earth. And yet... we are still here, the human race did not die out. In fact, there are so many straight people having sex, our planet is now over populated.

The reason it's a fools argument is most surveys conclude the gay population typically runs around 10 percent. Hypothetically, if the gay population was at 50 percent, we'd still have enough straight people feeling it was there duty to populate the earth.

How do I know our planet is over populated? Five million children die of starvation on an annual basis. This is disgusting. Homophobic straight people, I have message for you: Stop having kids. Let rational non-homophobic straight parents and rational LGBT parents raise kids.

Here's another message. You are wasting your time trying to take away the rights fellow United States citizens. Trying to take away rights of citizens in the U.S is anti-American, ta boot. If you really were concerned about humanity you'd form a non-profit organization whose goal would be zero tolerance for children dying of starvation. If homophobic parents insisted upon having kids, you'd adopt to make sure no child is left to starvation.

Homophobic people: Put your money, time and energy where you are not hurting other people but where you are helping people.

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