Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why do People Think Religious Right People are Nut Cases?

Because Religious Right nut cases have not learned Jesus' message to love one another.

Thank you Religious Right nut cases for institutionalizing the hatred and discrimination of others.

You see, Religious Right nut cases (RRNC) don't see the point—there is no "other." We—I said We—are one shared humanity. There is no "us" or "them." There will always be people who are disenfranchised when you say, "us" and "them." When RRNC realize we all bleed the same color—that we all bleed red—they will be able to begin the healing process from hating others and finally begin to love others for who they are.

In honor of this, I will now stop calling Religious Right nut cases—Religious Right nut cases—in order to affirm they are part of this shared humanity even though they themselves don't know it yet.

(Of course, don't hold this to me, since it's so fun to say the phrase, "Religious Right nut case." Ha!)

1 comment:

David Jones said...

Mike, as you know, I come from a church which is "conservative" theologically (though that does not imply the same politically) and I couldn't agree with you more. That said, I also have found just as many politically left religious nuts as I have those on the right, some of whom have perpetrated violence for their views. Talk about a total contradiction of their politics and faith. I don't think we can condone this behavior on either the right or left.