Thursday, October 30, 2008

Three Homophobic Guys at Work

A couple of weeks ago, I was talking to two straight guys where I work (on a daily basis, for several days in a row) about homosexuality. At the time I did not know they were two extremely homophobic straight guys. I finally realized this when the one guy asked me (And they both made it crystal clear to me as if there is no difference), "What's the difference between bestiality and homosexuality?" Dumb shit! There is a huge difference. One is having sex with animals and one is having sex with humans.

What the two dumb asses were trying to say to me was that homosexuality is as gross as bestiality is to them. Of course gay sex is gross to them because they are straight! Why are they thinking about gay sex anyway? Even though gays certainly have no interest in heterosexual sex, we wouldn't make that stupid of an analogy.

What homophobic straight guys don't get is that gay sex is natural for gay people. Straight sex is not natural for gay people. So, when a homophobic person thinks that gay sex is unnatural, it's because gay sex is not natural for a straight person. I think homophobic people are the ultimate egotistical people around, since they think that all gay people changed from being straight to gay. Dumb shit. I was born gay. If I turned from straight to gay, then logically, all straight people have to turn from gay to straight. It can't be a one-way street.

In other words, all guys know how raging their sexuality becomes when they hit puberty. So, think about it, if I had raging thoughts about women when I first hit puberty and was born straight, I would have been wanting to have sex with women and I would have been fantasizing about it, then—these homophopbes are saying—for some reason I just switched? Huh? I changed my entire raging sexuality from straight to gay just to aggravate my suburban religious mother, to be harassed at school from homophobic straight people, to be worried if I will be fired from work if they find out if I'm gay, and to lose my rights as a person depending upon what state I live in? I changed my sexuality just to discriminated against? How nuts is this scenario. Homophobic guys just don't think these things through.

The bottom line is that homophobic straight people think they have the last word on human sexuality. Then tonight, I asked another known homophobic guy at work, "Where is the printed instruction manual that came out of your mother when you were born? Where is it? I'd like to read it and see where it says how a man should act (butch vs queeny) or who a man should have sex with (men, women, transgender, wall with a hole-that's for the straight guys) or talk like (deep voice vs nelly voice). His only answer was, "You shouldn't talk about my mother having me, it's a sacred subject." I said, "It's not sacred, it a natural thing that occurs." And I was thinking to myself... "dumb shit." He couldn't answer my question.

You see, if a guy wants to act nelly or queeny, to that guy, it's natural for him. Or at least he wants to act that way. Who cares? If a guy is butch and tough, well that's what he wants and is natural for him. If someone is faking how they are acting, well... people have been like that for thousands of years, so what's new about that?

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