Sunday, November 09, 2008

Prop. 8 Passing and What it Means to Me

Prop. 8 passing says to me that institutionalized homophobia and religious bigotry is alive and well in only some religious circles. But homophobia is now becoming a passing fad.

Several years ago, the margin for gay marriage was wider. This year the margin for gay marriage was almost 50/50. The margin for gay marriage continues to grow as years pass. In a few years, I believe a majority of Californian's will side for equal rights.

Which is why I believe Prop. 8 passing by a narrow margin is a win for us. And I believe Prop. 8 passing is another nail in the coffin for religion having a strong hold on the masses.


David Jones said...

Mike, Change is always slow in coming. We've got to be patient with each other. It's easier for me to say since I'm straght, but I think the example of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is what won many whites over to civil rights for African-Americans. He was a patient, calm, voice in the midst of the race riots of the 60's. The protests he organized were non-violent, and were crafted to reach out to those who were oposed to him. He never baited those who were anti-civil rights, but reached out to them. That's how change will happen: not through confrontation, but through patience and love.

Mike West said...

Well... yes, I agree with you. But like a dog who's been kicked around and has taken a lot of beating... and, in addition, maybe like a dog who knows other dogs who have been beaten or killed, does that dog have some fun by biting back? I think so.

Is it morally wrong? Probably. Does it help us advance? Let's be honest, it hinders our progress. Does it divide? Well... yes. Is it setting a bad example? Yes. Is being consistent a human trait? No. Does it feel good for me say what I feel inside and vent? Hell, yes.