Saturday, November 01, 2008

TV Stations Make Murder Stories Their Top Stories, or do They?

When one or more persons are murdered in a city, all the TV stations not only cover the story but they typically make it their feature story. Since that is the case, why don't all TV stations around the nation feature the murder of Iraqis by American armed forces on a daily basis?

When you look at web sites which estimate the number of murdered Iraqis, they usually have a tally in the one (1) million range. A million people? This crime against humanity should be all over the news.

Reminder, during World War II, the estimated number of Jews murdered runs between 5.7 million to 6 million people. Do you see any similarity between how 1 million people or 6 million people being murdered is disgusting? Murdering one million people in another country, no matter what the reason, is a crime against humanity.

When I'm out riding my bike around San Diego and I see a news van, I always stop and say, "News Flash, the American people don't want the war in Iraq and it's disgusting that we've murdered about a million Iraqis. It's time we impeach Cheney and Bush, now." The TV people look at me and either agree or don't say anything.

I've also called my Senators and Congresspeople for years asking them to stop the murder of Iraqis and I call for the impeachment of Cheney and Bush, to no avail. Congresswoman Susan Davis, wrote back to me in 2007 and said, "...I do not believe that impeachment is the only way to hold this administration accountable for its misguided actions." Misguided? Murder? She's right, forget about impeachment, simply send Cheney and Bush, directly to prison.

Wake up America! Wake up American media! These filthy murderers are using our taxpayer's money to kill people in other countries! It's a sad time when I have to write about the immorality of the White House and how our nation as a whole is not crying out and demanding this crime to be stopped.

Shame on any citizen who has not called their Senators and Congress people telling them to stop the war. Shame on the media for not—on a daily basis—outing this war as an illegal war not sanctioned by the United Nations. Shame on the media for not—on a daily basis—covering the murder of Iraqis and giving the death tolls of Iraqis on a daily basis and a year-to-date basis. Shame on the media for not demanding that Cheney and Bush be impeached.


David Jones said...

Mike, the one million number of Iraqi's killed is not even close to being correct. Talk about swallowing the cool-aide.

While I was very much against the invasion of Iraq, I am disgusted by the sites that proclaim such erronious numbers for political gain.

First, the number killed since the invasion is closer to 400,000 (fewer than what would have been murdered by Saddham Hussein over the same period of time), which is still an aweful number, but is not even close to a million.

Second, the majority of those deaths were not related to the US military action. While I am against the invasion, I think your opinion is slanderous to our troops, and I can't stand for that accusation.

Third, as a point of information fewer people were killed in October, 2008 in all of Iraq than were murdered in Chicago, IL in the same period of time. I'm waiting for the election of Obama, and his claim that he brought peace to Iraq. It's already happened.

Lastly, do you really want to go in this direction? If so, do we dust off the bones of Lyndon B. Johnson, John F. Kennedy, and FDR and try them for war crimes for the murder of the tens of millions of people killed in the wars for which they were responsible?

Remember, Germany did not attack us in WW2, and they only declared war on us because of their pact with Japan. We could have negotiated a truce, but didn't. It was FDR that insisted on an "unconditional surrender" of Germany, after which Churchill just about swallowed his stoggie. That declaration lengthened the war by 2 years, and led to the deaths of tens of millions of people that did not need to die. Gen. Rommel and the entire German military was ready and willing to turn on Hitler, and asked repeatedly for the Churchill's help, but FDR would not allow anything but an unconditional surrender. The invasion of France, the destruction of cities, the displacement of millions of Europeans would have never happened if we would have been willing to negotiate. Is FDR to be held accountable for the tens of millions of deaths in Europe over the ensuing years? Are we going to start trying in criminal court all of our men who fought in WW2? Insanity

Mike West said...

I this is the case, that there were only 400,000 Iraqis killed, then I stand corrected.

However, the entire nation knows the war in Iraq was not sanctioned by the United Nations and that Iraq had nothing to 911.

To me, this means the war in Iraq is an illegal war.

My question is, when Bush declared a victory, why didn't we leave?

See the movie, "No End in Sight" so you know, that I know, that the occupation of Iraq was ruined directly by the White House.