Saturday, November 01, 2008

Wow. Watching Religious People Hate Others on T.V.

I have recently seen Christians talking on TV about Proposition 8 (California, 2008) which defines marriage only between a man and a woman. The so-called Christians publicly declare their hatred toward other human beings. It is unreal—really unreal.

It's amazing how people who claim that Jesus' main message (beside salvation) is of love, are filled with hatred towards other human beings. The real truth? Millions upon millions of Christians across America are actually false followers of Christ. Christ never spoke against homosexuality. Fact. I blame the false leaders of Christ and the false followers Christ, equally.

One of the main keys for keeping homophobia alive is how straight people think that if you accept gay people as equal to you or if you have gay friends that—you (a straight person) must be gay. Think about how illogical this is. If a gay person has straight friends, gays aren't afraid that other gay people will accuse them of being straight. The other key to institutionalized homophobia is how the American flock of false followers of Christ accept the intolerance so easily from their minister's and clergy's sermons.

Religious Right Nut Cases are saying gays equate pedophilia and that gay sex is equal to bestiality, which implies that gays will screw anything around even if it happens to be an animal. Don't people ever think for themselves?

Again homophobic people aren't thinking for themselves. The average pedophile in the United States is a 34 year old married male (married to a woman) with two kids. This is a fact. Look it up on a reliable web site. If you look at a religious site, it is not reliable, they only tell lies to promote their own prejudices.

If you have any doubts what-so-ever about who is and who is not a pedophile, then stop demonizing others based on your own ignorance. Research the statistics yourself, call your police department and see what they say. They will tell you there are more heterosexual pedophiles than gay pedophiles who are arrested, simply because there are more heterosexuals than homosexuals. Homosexuality does not equate pedophilia.

What is more important to you, that you blindly believe lies told to you by others or that you yourself have researched pedophilia to know actual facts? Once you know the facts, if this subject comes up with friends, family, work or at church, you can say you've researched the subject and that homosexuality does not equate pedophilia. You can tell people it's time to stop lying or stop believing in the lies about this.

Homosexuality does not equate bestiality. Like I said in an earlier post. There is a huge difference between bestiality and homosexuality. Bestiality is having sex with an animal and homosexuality is sex between two people. Why do we need to spell these things out for America? Is the American public that stupid? You know what they say, the masses are asses.

As I said before, what homophobic straight people don't get is that gay sex is natural for gay people. Straight sex is not natural for gay people. So, when a homophobic person thinks that gay sex is unnatural, it's because... gay sex is not natural for a straight person. The only sex that is natural for a straight person is straight sex.

The Christian church has years and years of apologies to make to the American people and the rest of the world for their message of hatred of others. When will they step up to the plate and apologize for their public hatred, bigotry and intolerance of others?


David Jones said...

The church has apologized many times. Once again, no one listens or cares. The only thing you see on TV are the extremes. You, of all people, who doubt the veracity of what you see on TV, why do you believe that the extreme right which the TV shows you represents the church?

The most vocal haters are always the ones you will see on TV. They are also the ones that will be in your face, whether they are from the left or right. Don't act as though the extremes on the left are somehow more civil or better than the ones on the right. Just as an example: Left wing isms and politics have murdered more people in the 20th century than religion has in its entire history (Lennon, Stalin, Pol-pot, Kim Il-sung)

Mike West said...

This is my issue with your comment. If this is truly the case in America, "The church has apologized many times. Once again, no one listens or cares."

Why do the major TV ministers preach that being gay is wrong? The TV ministers reach a huge audience.

Also, I've talked to people at work who don't go to church, who don't read the bible, who say they believe in god and they tell me the Bible says homosexuality is wrong.

They don't even read the Bible!

My coworkers at church have never the read the Bible where it says "If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them." (Leviticus 20:13)

The above verse is just a mere 3 verses after Leviticus 20:9, "For everyone who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death. He has cursed his father or his mother. His blood shall be upon him." (Leviticus 20:9)

So, the vocal right chooses to ignore a verse that applies to themselves and shouts that gays are the scourge of society.

Since this is the case--that the religious right don't represent the real Christian church in America, then why don't the real ministers (who are all over America)--who don't believe gays should be demonized--start shouting with mega phones in their church yard that people should not listen the the false followers of Christ on TV and these other hateful churches?

The true followers of Christ would begin to work with gay rights groups and explain that Christ would never leave out a segment of society.

The true Christian church would get as much press as possible and say the TV ministers and churches that say being gay is wrong are a fringe segment of the population and they are wrong, wrong, wrong on this issue.

David Jones said...

Christians ARE SHOUTING WITH MEGAPHONES ATTEMPTING TO DROWN OUT THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT: PEOPLE STILL DON'T LISTEN!!!! Christians are working with Gay activists all over the country. Check out, or for links to what our denomination is doing regarding gay rights (also, check out our Social Statement on Human Sexuality). There are also many links to the variety of Christian Gay Activist organizations within the church. Also, do a search on the "Emerging" church or the "Emergent" church, which tends to be filled with young, moderate to liberal Christians politically.

So, why don't you see these type of preachers on TV? For the same reason that Left wing talk radio doesn't work. There isn't an audience for it: it doesn't sell. The Christians who are not the extreme right don't watch television evangelists, and they wouldn't even if there were some who represented their point of view. It is not the type of media that they consume. That's why you don't, and won't, see the more moderate preachers on TV.