Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Empowering citizens.

The function of government is responsibility towards it's citizens. When politicians are intellectually honest with themselves and make policy changes which favor spending money on life for their citizens—instead of war and death—it will then become possible for all citizens to empower themselves.

Our government has basically mandated our work force to work full-time jobs to ensure we have health care. If a person wants to try to start their own business, they need to:

1) Have saved enough money to pay for health care or
2) Start a new business and risk not having health insurance or
3) Work a full-time job and try to work as many hours as possible over their 40 hour job, to start their own business.

If we had nationalized health care, people could work a part-time job and the rest of the work week have enough time to start their own business.

What alternate responses are there to sneezing?

Are you an atheist, agnostic, non-theist, humanist, rationalist, secularist, Ex-(Christian, Muslim, Mormon, etc.) or just a non-believer in the ancient mythology of Earth-gods? And... you don't like to say or hear "Bless you" or god-forbid, "God bless you" when someone sneezes?

Fear not, the Arch Angel Michael, err... Michael has some alternate sneeze responses for you.


"You are so good looking." (From the 38th Seinfeld episode, "The Good Samaritan")

"Scat, scat, pussy cat, your tail is in the gravy." (After practicing this several times, it becomes easy and fast to say.)

"Scat (there) Tom, your tail is in the gravy."

"Choo, bezzoo."

"Dog bless you."


"Are you okay?"

"Can I go through your pockets?"

"Cover your mouth."

"Will you please cover your mouth."

"May your personal deity enhance your well-being."

"Hey... clean that up, will ya?"

"Need a tissue?"

"Science bless you."

"Long may you live."

"To your wishes."

"Curse you."

"Bless me."

"Excuse you."

"Please don't spit on me again."

"Go God go." (I believe this is from South Park, not sure.)

No response.

If someone says to you, "God bless you" ask them to take it back.

"May Jesus save you from that semi-autonomous, convulsive expulsion of air and mucous."

"May the power of Jesus Christ rest within your soul." (In a sarcastic manner.)

"May Jesus land upon your desk and offer his blessings." (In a sarcastic manner.)

"Please keep your semi-autonomous, convulsive expulsion of air and mucous to yourself."

"Please keep your potentially infectious expelled aerosol droplets to yourself."

"Bless you? You just expelled approximately 40,000 potentially infectious air and mucous droplets traveling at speeds of at least 95 miles per hour."

My last question I pose to anyone is this: Why don't people say, "God bless you" when others fart?

(Here are some search engine search words that people might use to find this article: What do atheists say when someone sneezes? Sneeze sayings. Bless you. God bless you. Sneeze responses.)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Is America not a melting pot?

Even today, it seems that people don't collectively celebrate the diversity of people, culture, faiths and non-faiths in the United States.

Controversy over gay marriage and the separation of church and state come to my mind. The United States either is a melting pot of diverse people or it's not. We need to celebrate the many religions in our country as well as the non-theists of this country or we collectively as a country are not practicing what we preach: A melting pot of diverse people, cultures, faiths and non-faiths.

Why must Christianity, Mormonism or other religions try to dictate morality as law? It's proven that countries with more religion than not are the most lawless of countries. See United Nations reports on countries with little religion. These reports show the most secular countries have the least amount of crime. Why pretend these reports do not exist? Why pretend these facts are not true?

As most religious faiths demand their followers to spread their gospel throughout the world, isn't it obvious that one will never be able to take over the entire world? I'm sure the followers of each religious faith secretly hope this happens.

If one religious faith is able to spread itself to every person on earth, what is the point? It would be the same as one corporation trying to grow bigger and bigger and bigger. What if one company becomes so big that there is only one corporation left in the world which runs the entire world? What's the point? If one corporation ran the entire world, what would they achieve? Happiness? Total control of the money flow on earth? Hell, what a waste of time trying to become the biggest religion or corporation on earth.

This is one reason why religion should not try to make it's beliefs into law. How would Christians like it if Mormonism or Islam was made into law and was shoved down Christian's throats?

Sorry about that Chief!

Need a good laugh? The complete "Get Smart" TV series from the 1960s is for sale. The series is in full color. I thought the show was in black and white because I used to watch it on a black and white TV. In our economy, either purchase the entire series, borrow it from someone you know or purchase it with several people and pass it around.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The advantages/disadvantages of cars versus bicycles.

The advantages of a car.
It's easy travel short, medium or long distances, fast. It's possible to haul lots of things in a car. Several people can ride in a car. Driving a car is fun. One can listen to the radio or music in the car. For those with air conditioning and heating, there is a big advantage of being comfortable inside a car.

The disadvantages of a car.

It cost a lot of money to maintain. It means buying gas. It means polluting our world. A car's exhaust damages our planet as well as our lungs. If you are involved in an accident it can result in either a minor injury, permanent disability or death. It's easy to pull into drive-thrus and purchase fast food—food that has little to no nutritional value.

The advantages of riding a bicycle.
It is usually more of an adventure when riding a bike. It's easier to meet people when on a bike—if you meet someone riding a bike, you instantly have something in common to talk about. It's easy to remember to make healthy food in advance for the trip. Cardiologists and other doctors are happy that you are exercising. It cost much less to purchase and maintain a bicycle. You don't have to purchase gasoline for your bicycle. You see more when you are on a bike. Your eye-hand-brain coordination is improved by being on a bike. You health improves every time you ride your bike. You are doing your lungs and the earth a favor when riding a bike. Riding a bike is fun, fun, fun. It's easy to stop, take a break or rest at a moments notice. You don't have to look for parking spaces, you can find places to lock your bike almost anywhere. You typically don't get traffic tickets on a bicycle. You don't pay for parking meters—in fact, you use a parking meter to lock your bike. You receive sunlight on your skin which is healthy as long as you don't get burned. You feel alive when you ride a bicycle. You feel free on a bicycle. When you ride a bicycle on a regular basis, you have more energy. In city areas, you can go faster on a bicycle than in a car. It's easier to loose weight and stay toned when you ride consistently. You can ride the opposite way on one-way streets. You can ride your bike where cars can't drive. You can find short cuts when riding a bike that can't be used by cars. You can take your bicycle into the entrance of a building—you can't drive your car into the entrance of a building or you'll get arrested. It's safer to ride a bike down a city street than walk. You can travel much faster on a bicycle than walking. Riding a bike is safer on your joints than running. You can ride faster on a bike than running. You can ride on the street, a sidewalk, a paved path, a dirt path and grass on a bicycle.

The disadvantages of a bicycle.
You can't go medium or long distances, fast. You typically cannot have others ride with you. You get wet in the rain. You can get hit and killed by a car.

Mythology and the Bible.

As a teenager, I was a died-in-the-wool born again Christian. I believed I had found the key to eternal life. I thought to myself, what an incredible thing I found.

As a young Christian reading the Bible, it was very easy for me to overlook all the inconsistencies, contractions and the Bible verses that made no sense, in today's contemporary society. For the simple reason that I thought I found the key to eternal life—I overlooked these things—because I did not want to loose the chance to live forever.

Intellectual honesty dictates there is are only two options with the Bible. Either the Bible is the word of God or it is not the word of God.

Let's take the premise the Bible is the word of God.
Everyone who believes the Bible to be the word of God has to rationalize the thousands of Bible verses which contradict each other and must ignore the sexism, racism, hatred and intolerance of others in the Bible. All would need to ignore the verses of strange rituals of the ancient past which would never fly in today's society. To point out two specific points the Bible condones slavery as well as making women second class citizens as told in both testaments.

Condone: : to regard or treat (something bad or blameworthy) as acceptable, forgivable, or harmless (a government accused of condoning racism) (condone corruption in politics). From, December, 27, 2008, copyright 2008.

Let's take the premise the Bible is not the word of any god.
Without blinders on, it's easy to find ancient mythology, astrology, many contradictions and inconsistencies in Bible verses. There is Egyptian mythology, Greek mythology and Astrology all throughout the Bible—the Old and the New Testament.

Taking the premise the Bible is not the word of any god, allows anyone to clearly see the Bible was written by ancient primitive sexist and racist men. With that said, it now it makes sense as to why the Bible is has many ideological problems, inconsistencies, contractions, mythology and astrology throughout it's entirety.

To be specific, the Ten Commandments are taken directly from the Egyptian book of the dead, the twelve disciples are from the twelve signs of the zodiac, and the New Testament writers gave Christ the same characteristics of Greek Gods and Greek Heroes to prove that Christ is a god. The masses don't believe in Zeus, Apollo or Poseidon any more, so why should the masses believe in the god, Christ?

Companies that make people work the day after Christmas.

This year, Christmas is on a Thursday. Where is the f'ing charity? Why don't all businesses (which have little to no business to transact) give Friday after Christmas off to their employees?

Hell, the entire week of Christmas should be vacation time for everyone. Why not? At the bare minimum people should have Christmas eve, Christmas day and the day after Christmas—off.

I have friends where they had to work on Friday December 26th, 2008. Their entire office staff sat around and talked to each other all day—because there was no f'ing work. Why did the owner of the business make them work? Because their business owner is out of touch with reality.

I openly give the finger to all businesses who have little to no office work on a day like December 26th, but who insist their employees come into the office to just sit there and do nothing. Merry f'ing Christmas from your f'ed-up employer.

The winter holiday season seems to come so fast and there never seems to be enough time.

The winter holiday season seems to come so fast and there never seems to be enough time. With that said twice, I propose some new changes for the U.S. Federal Government. The Federal Government will pay all it's citizens for three, oh, let's make it four weeks of vacation during December. We need some charity here.

Remember, if the U.S. Government paid it's citizens vacation time, businesses would not bear the burden of vacation time. Of course, some people might need a reality check as to where we would get the money from. And we won't need to raise taxes for the average citizen. We simply transfer money that would have been spent from the huge f'ing military budget to it's citizens. Period. (Stop using my tax dollars to kill people, it makes me sick.)

When the U.S. Government starts paying it's citizens for an extended vacation during December, it will allow people to shop, to make holiday food, take care of themselves, visit with friends and family, and of course, to celebrate one or more of 65 winter festivals such as: Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, HumanLight (Humanist Holiday), Dong zhi (Chinese Winter Solstice), or Diwali (Hindu Festival of Lights). See my recent blog (below) highlighting 65 winter celebrations.

There might be more than 65 winter celebrations around the world, who knows? Of course, anyone can make up their own winter celebration, why not? If you think of a great winter celebration, get it online and get it out there. Other people might like it.

People give lots of lip service to family values. How can anyone take the phrase "family values" seriously when one or more parents are working all the time. Parents who work over 40 hours a week are not being responsible to their "family." Parents who work 40 hours a week still don't have enough time to spend with their family.

Also, don't you think family values is a misnomer? How can anyone serious say the phrase "family values?" What is really important here? Our personal lives. It's family and friends who are important. Some people might not have a family. With that said, isn't it obvious, that for many of us, our family is a close network of friends. Talking about "family values" excludes friends. It's not a family value to exclude friends.

The point is this. If we are such a great country, then let's lead the world by making a bold statement, "The most important part of living is our personal lives." The celebration of being with friends and/or families is our top priority.

Once again I'll say it, "If we can find the money to kill people, we surely can find the money to help people." Let's put our money where our mouth is, on helping the living, live. It is time for the U.S. Government to pay all it's citizens an extended vacation in December.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Getting laid-off in December—with a twist.

Two weeks ago I was laid-off on the first Friday of December 2008. I said my good-byes to co-workers in my department and I left. I felt embarrassed and my eyes were red from crying, so I left through one of the back doors of our building and didn't say good-bye to anyone else in the company.

That day, I looked back and I remembered there were lay-offs in September, then there were more lay-offs about three weeks ago. And now, the largest number of people were laid-off and I was part of it.

I had an entire weekend to think over what happened and I began to plan for how I was going to find a job in this bad economy. On Monday, I was glued to my computer the entire morning to update my resume. Edit, proof read, edit, proof read—over and over again. It was around 1 p.m. and I was satisfied with my resume. I was about to go to Kinko's to print it. However, I thought why not just show up at my work and ask them to print out several resumes? It won't cost me anything.

When I walked into work, one person came running up to me and hugged me and said she did not get a chance to say good-bye to me. She said, if anyone should have not been laid-off, it was me. As soon as she heard I was laid-off on Friday, she ran to her manager and said, "That was the worst decision for laying a person off. He's the only helpful employee in his department when I need help. All other people say they don't have time to help me."

Other people started to approach me and told me basically the same thing, this company could have laid-off almost anyone, except for you. Even though hearing this from my pears did not get my job back, it certainly made me feel better.

I was in my department area printing my resume when my boss told me that the Vice-President just called him for my cell number. My boss told the V.P. that I was here printing my resume. The V.P. said for me to come up to his office. He hired me back.

Shopping one week before Christmas.

I was considering purchasing an expensive pen for a friend of mine for Christmas. I went to several department stores since I thought this would be the best place to find a nice selection of pens. I was disappointed that none of the departments stores sold any pens—zero selection.

As I entered the perfume department at the entrance of the last store I checked, I told a department store woman in her early twenties that I was looking for pens. She asked me in a very serious tone of voice, "You mean one to borrow or to purchase?" I stated, "One to purchase," as I turned and walked away.

Friday, December 12, 2008

But... if you are an athiest, what about Christmas?

As an atheist, non-theist, rational person or a non-believer in ancient mythology, call it what you like, I celebrate Christmas. Why not? I love Christmas decorations, holiday parties and gift giving, just like most people. I just don't believe in an invisible god. Remember, there are people who believe in a god and don't celebrate Christmas, for example, Jehovah's Witnesses. In fact, one of the nicest friends I know is a Jehovah Witness.

What if you don't want to celebrate Christmas? Fear not! There are many winter festivals around the world to choose from. (I found them in Wikipedia here:

And, I alphabetized them, just for you:

• Advent (Christian, The four weeks before Christmas)
• Armenian Apoststolc Christmas (Christian, Jan 6)
• Bhaubeej (Hindu)
• Bodhi Day (Buddist, Dec 8)
• Boxing Day (Secular, Dec 26, Gift-giving day after Christmas)
• Burns Night: (Secular, Jan 25, Birthday of Robert Burns)
• Candlemas (Christian, Feb 2)
• Chahar Shadbeh Suri (Persian, Festival of Fire, Last Wednesday of the Iranian Calendar year.)
• Chinese New Year (Late Jan – early Feb)
• Chrismukkah (Secular, Slang term for the amalgam of Christmas and Hanukkah celebrated by religiously mixed families and couples.)
• Christmas (Christian, Dec 25)
• Christmas Eve (Christian, Dec 24)
• Diwali (Hindu, Festival of Lights, five day festival)
• Dong zhi (Chinese Winter Solstice, Dec 21-28)
• Eastern Orthodox Christmas (Christian, Jan 7, according to the Julian calendar)
• Eid ul-Adha (Muslim, 10th of Dhul Hijja of the Islamic Calendar)
• Epiphany (Christian, Jan 6, the arrival of the Three Magi.)
• Feast of Fools (Christian, Jan 1)
• Feast of the Circumcision (Christian, Jan 1)
• Festival du Voyageur (Secular, February winter celebration of the fur trade in Winnipeg, Manitoba)
• Festival of the birth of the Unconquered Sun (Roman, late Roman Empire, Dec 25)
• Fur Rondy: (Secular, Late February and early March, Winter celebration in Anchorage, Alaska)
• Groundhog Day (Secular, Feb 2)
• Hanukkah (Eight festival starting in Nov or Dec, 25 Kislev, Hebrew calendar)
• Hogmanay (Secular, Night of Dec 31 - Before dawn of January 1)
• Scottish New Years Eve Celebration
• Holy Innocents' Day (Christian, Dec 28)
• HumanLight: (Secular, Dec 23, Humanist holiday originated by the New Jersey Humanist Network)
• Imbloc (Celtic, Feb 1)
• Imbolc (Pagan, Traditionally, evening of Jan 31, or Feb 1 or 2)
• Karachun (Slavic, Winter Solstice, Dec 21-28)
• Kwanzaa (Secular, Dec 26 - Jan 1, Pan-African festival)
• Lupercalia (Roman end-of-winter festival, Feb 15)
• Matariki (Polynesian, Usually early June)
• Modranect (German, Winter Solstice, Dec 21-28)
• Navratri (Hindu, 9 day celebration in Oct and Nov)
• New Year's Day (Secular, Jan 1, First day of the Gregorian year)
• New Year's Eve (Secular, Dec 31, Last day of the Gregorian year)
• Purim (Jewish, Late Feb or March, 14th or 15th day of Adar, Hebrew calendar)
• Quebec City Winter Carnival (Secular, February, Annual celebration of winter)
• Sadeh (Persian, Mid-winter)
• Saint Basil's Day (Christian Orthodox, Jan 1, In Greece, traditionally he is the Father Christmas figure.)
• Saint John the Evangelist's Day (Christian, Dec 27)
• Saint Nicholas’ Day (Christian, Dec. 6)
• Saint Stephen's Day (Christian, Dec 26)
• Saint Sylvester's Day (Christian, Dec 31)
• Samhain (Celtic, Nov1)
• Samhain (Pagan, Nov 1)
• Saturnalia (Roman, Winter Solstice, Dec 21-28)
• Signature of the Constitution of the Republic of China (Taiwan, Dec 25)
• St. Valentine's Day (Christian, Feb 14)
• Sydney Winter Festival (Secular, August 1-10th 2008, Winter Festival recreates the magic of traditional European winter celebrations, including a variety of culinary delights, and first class entertainment on an expansive outdoor screen.)
• Tu Bishvat (New Year of the Trees, Jan or Feb, 15th of Shevat, Hebrew calendar)
• Twelfth Night: Epiphany Eve (Christian, Jan 5)
• Twelve days of Christmas (Christian, Dec. 25 – Jan 6)
• Watch Night (Christian, Dec 31)
• Winter Solstice (Celtic, Dec 21-28)
• Winter Solstice (Pagan, Dec 21, New Age Festival)
• Winter Solstice, Yule: (Secular, December 21 or December 22, Late June weekend in Australia. Celebration of the Winter Solstice.)
• Winterval (Secular, Winter festivities coined by Birmingham City Council to encompass all holidays being recognized from October to January)
• Yalda (Persian, Dec 21)
• Yule (German, Winter Solstice, Dec 21-28)
• Yule (Pagan, Winter Solstice, Dec 21-28)
• Yulefest (Secular, Midwinter Christmas, around late June or July. Australian New Zealand winter 'Christmas/Yuletide')
• Yuletide: (Secular, Dec 25, Classic and modern, respectively, terms for the social and federal Dec 25th holiday)
• Zamenhof Day (Secular, Dec15, Birthday of Ludwig Zamenhof, inventor of Esperanto; holiday reunion for Esperantists)

Ah! You made it to the end of the list. There are many options, aren't there? There are 65 winter festivals listed here.

Magic Markers

Why do people place a magic marker upside down in a pencil/pen holder? What happens to people's brains who do this?

1) I have never seen a magic marker that leaks when in the down position. (Unless if somehow it was broken.)

2) Do people know that gravity pulls toward the earth?

What we know:

A. Gravity pulls towards earth.

B. When you place a magic marker upside down to store it, the ink runs to the back end of the marker.

C. When you use a stored upside down marker, there will be less ink at the tip of the marker when you write.

D. If you insist that magic markers are stored upside down, why even buy them or use them?

Why does common sense go out the window for people who dispute this point?

'08 or 2008?

Ugh. I don't understand why anyone would write '08 or 08. '08 is one character short of 2008. And 08 is only two numerals short of 2008. What is so difficult in writing or typing 2008 in full?

Painters/artists: If you sign your work with an '08—you are nuts. Don't you realize if your artwork becomes valuable in 100 or 200 years, the owner of your art will be unable to verify the exact year it was made. Why are people so short sighted?

The same is true with any piece of paper or document. What if a piece of paper is found 300 years from now. If it has in '08, is it from 2008, 2108, or 2208?

Sunday, December 07, 2008

How Does a Straight guy deal with a gay guy Coming onto him?

For those straight guys who know, they simply say I'm straight and move on, without the feelings that someone mistook them for being gay, gay-curious or bisexual. For those straight guys who would take this as an insult to their manlihood, all you need to do is think about how you'd treat a woman that you are not interested in and what you'd say to her. Say the same thing (and think about the experience) with the gay guy as you would a woman who does not turn you on.

Let me give you an example of a straight friend of mine. He will go to straight bars with friends or gay bars with friends. It does not bother him to go to a gay bar. When he gets hit on at a gay bar, he tells the guy he's straight. However, if he isn't hit on by gay guys at the gay bar, he wonders what he's doing wrong (or wonders what is wrong about him that night) that no one is hitting on him.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Did you ever hear about pink slips?

Those pink slips really are pink!

The Greatest Country in the World

People say the U.S. of A. is the greatest country in the world. So be it. Well, consider this:

Ten countries which set the best examples:
1) Human Development Index: Norway, Iceland
2) Global Peace Index: Norway, New Zealand
3) Gender Equality: Sweden, Norway
4) Life expectancy: Japan, Hong Kong
5) Quality of Life: Ireland, Switzerland
6) Most Competitive Economy: Switzerland, Finland
7) Economic Freedom: Hong Kong, Singapore
8) Gay Rights: Sweden, Norway
9) Obesity: Japan, Korea
10) Adults at High Literacy: Level Sweden, Norway

Top ten best countries to live in:
#1 Sweden
#2 Denmark
#3 Netherlands
#4 Finland
#5 Germany
#6 UK
#7 Canada
#8 Switzerland
#9 Norway
#10 Belgium

Top ten countries with the greatest life expectancy:
#1 Japan
#2 Hong Kong
#3 Iceland
#4 Switzerland
#5 Australia
#6 Sweden
#7 Italy
#8 Canada
#9 Israel
#10 France

Top ten countries with the highest quality of life:
#1 Ireland
#2 Switzerland
#3 Norway
#4 Luxembourg
#5 Sweden
#6 Australia
#7 Iceland
#8 Italy
#9 Denmark
#10 Spain

The above data from the website:
(Remember, different sites have different data concerning the above topics.)

What if I poise the question, "What country has the nicest people in the world?" Any guesses? I'd say it's a country in Asia, called Thailand.

Friday, December 05, 2008

My View on War, Exactly.

"Interesting. You Earth people glorify organized violence for 40 centuries. But you imprison those who employ it privately." —Spock, Star Trek, The Original Series, 1966, Episode 11, "Dagger of the Mind."

Bush's New Dallas Home

To see pictures and an article, please click the link below:

Bush's New Dallas Home

Or to cut and past the URL address in your web browser:

Where did he get the money to do this?

When will the Government put Warning Labels on Processed Food?

Personally, I wish that processed food—which fills our grocery stores—should come with a government warning label like this:



Thursday, December 04, 2008

Omaba's web site - The Office Of The President-Elect

Wow. How awesome is this! You can sign-up on their emailing list.

"The Obama Transition Team has set-up an innovative website to facilitate public input for policy initiatives in the new Obama Administration. Please take the time to share your insights and opinions:"

The Office Of The President-Elect

Actual URL address:

-I found this link and the quote above from a recent e-newsletter from the Organic Consumers Association.

The Truth About Prayer.

Prayer is a superstition. The best way to see if prayer works is to try it, prayer will never work for you. There are only three answers to prayer. Yes, no or wait. Every answered prayer is only a coincidence. You can pray to a bottle of milk and you will get the same answer, yes, no or wait.

It's impossible for any God to loose when the only answers to prayer are yes, no or wait because yes, no or wait is always true, no matter who or what you pray to.

When you pray, you want to move the ambiguity from prayer so your prayer won't be answered by coincidence. For example, instead of praying for one person to be cured of cancer, pray that all people are cured of cancer.

So, how do you prove prayer is a superstition? Someone has already made some youtube videos for us.

YouTube Video 1:
Proving that prayer is superstition. See video:
Proving that prayer is a superstition.

Actual URL address of video:

Youtube Video 2:
Prayer - The best optical illusion in the world. See video:
The best optical illusion in the world. (On prayer.)

Actual URL address of video:

How the U.S. Would be Different Today Only if...

The U.S. of A. would be different today, if politicians followed this saying: "We need to spend less money on war and death and more money on life."

My Vision for Cheny/Bush Memorials

My vision is to have Cheney/Bush memorials in major U.S. cities from coast to coast. These would have life size bronze statues, a cream pie concession stand, water hoses and plaques.

The plaques would state why Cheney and Bush were the worst President/Vice President team in U.S. history. The cream pie concession stand would be for people to throw cream pies at the statues of these men and take pictures. The hose would be to wash the statue down for the next visitor.

Us, Them and We

Those people who use the words "Us" and "Them" only divide others and even nations. There is no "Us" or "Them", there is only "We." We all share the same humanity, we all bleed red.

Why are Gay People in Such a Hurry to get Their Rights? I Don't see the Urgency.

Why don't some straight people see the urgency with gay rights? For the simple reason that straight people have their rights, so it's really not a big deal for them. Makes sense.

So, if I'm straight, how do I see the urgency of gay rights?

I'm glad you asked that question. I can help those straight people who like science fiction. Those that don't like science fiction, you are on your own!

If you have ever seen the X-men movies, it's very simple to see things from a gay point of view. Replace the word "mutant" with the word "gay."

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Definition of the word "Cult".

The first two definitions of the word "Cult" from

1: formal religious veneration : worship
2: a system of religious beliefs and ritual ; also : its body of adherents

Venerated: A ritual act of devotion.

Why are all religions cults? All religions are man-made.

The 1960's Get Smart is now on DVD.

The 1960's Get Smart is now on DVD. Get Smart ran from 1965 to 1970. (By the way, I liked the 2008 Get Smart movie. They had very difficult shoes to fill with this movie and they did a good job.)

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

If your religion divides people rather than unites people. Please enjoy your life and the fellowship of birds of a feather that flock together having bigotry and intolerance as part of your creed.

I Know God is Real Because I Feel it. Oh, Really?

I have had many people say to me, "I know God is real, I know it and I feel it. Once you know it and feel it, you'll have this unimaginable joy." I think, "Oh, really?!"

If I say I feel I'm at the beach and I know it and I feel it. You might not say I'm crazy but you might think I'm meditating with positive thoughts.

If I say I know Elvis personally, he is real and I know it and I feel it. You'd say I was crazy.

Can you guess what I think of people who say they personally know the all powerful and all knowing creator of the universe?

If Christianity, Islam or Mormonism are so Great...

If Christianity, Islam or Mormonism are so great, why do these religions divide people instead of unite people? Because religion poisons everything.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Processed Food.

One of the reasons why people are overweight and have bad health in America is processed food. The stomach is supposed to do the processing. When a manufacturing plant takes plants or animals and processes them, nutrition is lost. It is not the same as eating fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, or cooking beans, meat or fish.

A good rule of thumb, when you buy food, if it grew from the ground, it's okay to eat. If it's from a manufacturing plant or fast food restaurant, either don't eat it or limit the amount of processed food you eat.

Cigarettes have a warning label as to their health hazard to people. (And in the U.S. the warning label on cigarettes is small and unobtrusive—this is wrong! But that's a topic for another blog entry.) If the F.D.A. were ethical, they would put a health warning on most processed foods and fast food restaurants stating the food is not healthy to eat. In fact, the warning label would say the food is dangerous to eat.

Here is a quote from the Puristat web site describing the dangers of processed food.

"Processed food is made from real food that has been put through devitalizing chemical processes and is infused with chemicals and preservatives. Beef jerky, canned tea, jam, hot dogs, and low-fat yogurt with sugar or aspartame are a few examples of processed food.

Junk foods contain very little real food. They're made of devitalized processed food, hydrogenated fats, chemicals, and preservatives, and include anything made with refined white flour. Canned breakfast drinks, cold/sugary cereals, doughnuts, drive-through foods, and soda are examples of junk foods.

Fake foods are made primarily of chemicals, and often contain gums and sugar fillers. Examples include bacon bits, bottled salad dressing, dehydrated soups, and instant coffee.

These non-foods have one thing in common; it costs your body a great deal more to digest, absorb, and eliminate them than they offer your body in nutritional value – an extremely poor return on your investment that leaves your body sluggish and depleted."


Another web site talks about eating a raw food diet. When raw foods are heated past 118 degrees, enzymes necessary for our stomach to digest, start to breakdown.


What about soda? (Written by Kathy Loidolt)

"We Americans love a soda! And no wonder! It tastes great, gives us a boost and feels like a celebration drink. I don't want to rain on your parade, but do we know what we are drinking? Most of us are aware that there is a lot of sugar in soda (High Fructose Corn Syrup is a concentrated sugar) that's why it tastes so good, right? Sugar, among other things, lowers our immune system, making us susceptible to illnesses.

The bad news is, sugar is the least of our concerns when we drink soda. Many sodas contain color dyes, which have been known to cause ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and impotence. Another common soda pop ingredient, sodium benzoate, is a chemical compound that has it's own MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) filed with OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Organization). The MSDS for sodium benzoate states "Caution! Harmful if swallowed or inhaled!" The manufacturers are instructed to wear protective goggles, lab coats, gloves and use a vented hood. Now, I know we all drink sodas and feel fine right after, but what is this chemical doing to our bodies, soda after soda, year after year?

The "natural and artificial flavorings" is ingredients code for MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) which has been linked to migraines, MS, IBS, fibromyalgia, anxiety, seizures and depression. If you are drinking diet soda, you are getting lots of MSG, as it is a flavor enhancer used to make foods and drinks without sugar still taste good.

Of course, we all know that soda also contains carbonated water. Soda pop has been nicknamed "osteoporosis in a can" because the carbonation in the soda takes calcium out of our bones through a three stage process:

1. The carbonation irritates the stomach.
2. The stomach tries to cure the irritation by secreting the only antacid at its disposal, calcium. It gets this calcium from the blood.
3. The blood, now low on calcium, replenishes its supply from the bones. If it did not do this, muscular and brain function would be severely impaired.

Osteoporosis has been shown to be five times worse in kids and women who drink dark cola than in those who drink other types of soda.

So next time you have the kids at a restaurant and they ask if they can order a pop, pull this article out and read it to them! Maybe they'll choose water."

Written by Kathy Loidolt, author of Shopper's Guide to Healthy Living.
(This URL address is very long and I had to break it into two sentences. If you want to view the article, you'll need to copy and past both sentences without spaces and place into the appropriate place in your browser.)

Isn't it time the F.D.A. puts warning labels on most processed foods and food from most fast food restaurants and all carbonated drinks?

Companies That use Voice Mail Systems and Prompts

The public is sick of voice mail systems and prompts. I worked for a major U.S. Airline in the late 1980s in the domestic reservations department. When I first started working for this U.S. Airline (Do you get the hint of who I worked for yet?), we had no voice mail system for the public when they called the airline's 800 reservations number.

As an airline reservationist, I answered all the 800 calls, making reservations, confirming reservations, taking credit card numbers/checks for people to buy their tickets, checking to see if flights were on-time, checking for lost baggage, and etcetera. When someone needed an international reservation, I'd simply transfer the call to the international reservations department.

Then management announced they were going to start a voice mail system where the public would need to press buttons to get through. When the system was put in place, I (in domestic reservationists) would still take all the calls and would only have to transfer calls going to international reservations. Nothing changed for the employees and what we did.

We finally found out why management put this system in place. Management wanted a report as to who was calling and why. Yes, management needed their official reports and didn't mind that it made it more difficult for the public to get through.

And here's another scenario. I work for a print shop now. Our customers will send us jobs without directions. I wish I could read my customer's minds as to how they want their prints jobs run. My company does not keep customers specs on file and for a good reason. You can run a print job a million different ways. For example...

A customer might run their job in color for ten orders in a row. We know what the customer wants, right? The 11th order comes in and we run the job in color again. The customer gets their 11th order and calls us and complains. They wanted the 11th order to be run in black and white, they needed the prints for their file copy. Too bad the customer didn't tell us this upfront. More times than not, they don't.

So, what's the point?

The customer gave us their office phone number and they refused to write down their office extension. We call their main office number, get the voice mail system and punch in the person's first or last name and the voice mail system says that person doesn't work there. (Of course, pressing zero does not ring anyone, you get someone's voice mail.) We can't get through to our customer because their company voice mail system has not been updated for all their employees. The customer is mad the job is late or because the job was run incorrectly. It's all because companies think it is clever to install a voice mail system.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

How About a new Movie with a Jack-the-Ripper Style Murderer with a Twist?

Jack-the-Ripper would be killing many people on a world-wide scale. This new Jack-the-Ripper would elude even today's police. The ending of the movie would find Interpol realizing what every victim had in common. All the victims were creators of email spam.

And no one would care they were murdered.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

One of my Next Web Sites

I have several web sites planned for the future. One of those will be entitled, "Wipe out poverty in America." I'll include reasons why it would be better for America to work on it's own poverty first, then we can help fight the war on poverty throughout the world. I'll probably say things like this, "If we can't wipe out poverty in America, then are we actually qualified to try to wipe out poverty in other countries?"

Notice, it is a fight to end poverty, it is a noble war to win. Unlike the misnomer "War on drugs." It's not a "War on drugs," it's the "Prohibition of drugs." And yes, that will be another web site of mine, "The United States Prohibition of Drugs."

Critical Mass (Got bicycle?)

Last night, I was out riding my Specialized mountain bike for exercise (and fun) and as I was riding through Balboa Park, I saw San Diego's Critical Mass had just begun. I joined in immediately. It was my first Critical Mass ride.

Critical Mass is held the last Friday of every month, in cities all over the world, bicyclists in mass take to the streets, err... take over the streets they are riding on, to promote cycling.

We rode from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. We went from Balboa Park and headed north to and through Hillcrest, down a very steep hill into Mission Valley, over to Pacific Beach (west), rode south on Pacific Coast highway into downtown and then back (north) to Balboa Park.

I'd say there where 300 - 400 cyclists (or more?), most people were in their twenties and thirties, more guys than women (but there were many women), not too many biking helmets, many different types of bikes, and most bikes had lights. I met several people who were on their first ride and one guy was celebrating his third anniversary of riding in Critical Mass.

I have a helmet, riding gloves, lights and a butch storage bag that sits on a support that juts from the back of my seat post. I was in the middle of the pack for the first half the ride, then I moved forward (to almost the front of the pack) for the rest of the ride.

If you read about Critical Mass online it's defined as activist stand on the benefits and importance of bicycling (equality on the road with cars) or it's a spontaneous celebration of cyclists. I think people who rode last night had a mixture of both people.

When I rode last night, I first thought of this as an activist event and then I quickly realized it was just a hell of a lot of fun bicycling on streets with lots of other bicycling enthusiasts. The icing on the cake was when cars had to make way and usually stop for us


A Transgender Thanksgiving

I invited two of my transgender friends over for Thanksgiving. I think it was my favorite Thanksgiving to date. If my parents would invited transgender people at their Thanksgiving dinner, it would be due to charity. (Actually, I'm not sure if they know what transgender is.) I had two transgender girls over because they are my friends.

What does transgender mean? Gender is in your head and sex is between your legs. Basically, if I was transgender (born with male parts), that means I was born with a female brain which is why I would not be interested in my sexual organ. Or if I transgender and I was born with female parts, that would mean I was born with a male brain and I would prefer male parts. A transgender person can be straight, lesbian, gay or bisexual.

Back to Thanksgiving. My one friend brought her cute Pomeranian dog, we drank a little bit of wine, talked and had a very pleasant time. We all have activism in common with each other which was another thing allowing us to feel very at home with each other. We all work in all our own individual ways to get out the word we share all one humanity.

It was an almost all organic Thanksgiving. I made everything from scratch. My menu consisted of turkey, gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes, a layered green salad, cranberry sauce, deviled eggs, hot cider (with Mulling Spices) and pumpkin pie.

Friday, November 28, 2008

I will not Knowingly Associate with People who don't Understand we all Share the Same Humanity

I was speaking with my parents in October and discussing gay marriage. The P.C. term is "Marriage Equality." When they readily admitted they were against gay marriage, I realized they had not grown intellectually as the years past.

(Note: I have not spoken with them for years because of their bigotry and intolerance towards me since I'm gay. The way I look at it is, homophobic people will many times shut out their gay children or siblings from their lives and in reverse, I choose to shut out my heterosexual parents. The reason I do this is, I don't like being around people who pretend to accept me but in reality do not. They'll say things like they accept me but not others. We love you unconditionally but we will vote against gay marriage. To me, this is disgusting. I decided to give them one more try and I started talking to them in August, September and October of 2008.)

In late October, after my mom told me she would vote against gay marriage, I said to her, "I don't associate with people with low morals and ethics."

I will probably not speak to them ever again.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Homosexuality. Right or Wrong?

This blog entry is directed toward those who think homosexuality is wrong.

And you know the ultimate truth about human sexuality simply because you are straight? For those with religion on their side: You know the ultimate truth about sexuality because you have a belief?

Belief is not a fact. But, but, but. Be completely honest with yourself. Faith is simply a belief. Nothing more.

Here's a fact, your religion is ancient mythology. What? How dare you speak against my religion. Hmmmmm..... remember something called freedom of speech?

Now go study religions older than Christianity and count how many gods had the same or similiar characteristics of Christ. So, who is the real god? The gods before Christ who have the same characteristics of Christ? Or is Christ the real god who has the same characteristics of previous gods.

If the previous gods before Christ are not worshiped by the masses anymore, does it mean they are not gods? I ask you, if some of the masses believe in Christ, does this make Christ a real god?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

If you can Think it, Engineers can Build it.

We have wonderful weather in California. Why not make a protected slow moving lane next to all the freeways in San Diego and Los Angeles, for bicycles and slow moving (40 mph or less) solar vehicles? Yes, engineers can figure out how to retrofit all our freeways and yes, I'd bicycle on these roads.

Solar vehicle? Of course. In August 2008, I saw a small European pick-up truck at a grocery store parking lot in Hillcrest. I was awestruck and just stood there looking at the truck. Attached on posts was a flat solar panel, the length of the truck.

A lady was carrying her groceries towards the truck and said, "That's my solar truck!" She purchased the pick-up truck (it has an electric motor), attached a solar panel to the top of the truck and drives around all day in San Diego, without having to plug it in or pump gas.

She said it's a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle. It's maximum speed is 40 mph and is not allowed on the freeways. To me, that's the perfect vehicle and it's my next vehicle.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Despite its Abundant Sex Scenes, the Bible is not a Book About Sex; the Bible is a Book About God.

Despite its abundant sex scenes, the Bible is not a book about sex; the Bible is a book about God. If homosexuality is such a big, bad sin why didn't it make God's top ten list? Jesus never spoke about same-sex behavior. (He did say a prostitute has the same chance of making it into Heaven as a tax collector.) Out of the Bible's millions of verses, only six or seven verses reference same-sex behavior and none of them refer to homosexual orientation as we understand it today.

Many people have used the Bible to support their own personal prejudices. (Examples: the Crusades; inquisitions; support of slavery; execution of women as witches; apartheid; segregation; the KKK; persecution of Jews and non-Christians; the Holocaust.) Some people use the Bible against homosexuals, quoting text out of context to support their prejudices, and spend their lives misquoting that text.

The Old Testament says:

* Deuteronomy 22:13-21 If a bride is found not to be a virgin, the Bible demands she be executed on the spot by stoning. Do you follow this Bible verse today?

* Deuteronomy 22:22 If a married person has sex with someone else's husband or wife, the Bible commands that both adulterers be stoned to death. Do you, good Christian, follow this verse?

* Exodus 21:7 It is okay to sell one's daughter into slavery. How many of your daughters have you sold into slavery?

* Exodus 35:2 If one works on the Sabbath, he should be put to death. Have you ever worked on the Sabbath or killed your neighbor who did so?

* Leviticus 21:20 One may not approach the altar of God with defective sight. Have you ever disobeyed God and gone to church wearing glasses? Do you know anyone who has? Do you tell people wearing glasses in church they are sinning against God? Do you hold large signs in public outside of church services decrying these sinners?

* Leviticus 15:19-24 One is not allowed any contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness. Most people would take offense if one followed the Bible on this point. Do you REALLY follow EVERY verse in the Bible or are you a hypocrite?

The New Testament:

* Jesus never spoke against same-sex behavior.

* Mark 10:1-12 Divorce is strictly forbidden by the Bible in both testaments, as is remarriage by divorcees. If you have divorced or married a divorcee you are not following the Bible. Hopefully, you are making huge signs and parading them in front of your own house informing everyone you are a sinner, or you are parading signs in front of houses of those you know have sinned by divorcing and remarrying.

* Mark 12:18-27 When a man dies childless, his widow is ordered by Biblical law to have intercourse with each of his brothers in turn until she bears her deceased husband a male heir. As a good Christian, you must follow every verse of the Bible. If not, you are a huge sinner and the Bible advises huge sinners never to throw the first stone.

* 1 Corinthians 14:33-35 women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. 35 If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.

* 1 Timothy 2:9 I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes,

I'm certain you don't agree with the Bible regarding many of its teachings about sex. And you shouldn't. The Bible says clearly that sex with a prostitute is acceptable for the husband but not the wife; polygamy (more than one wife) is acceptable; concubines for the king (and the wisest king of all, Solomon, had 1,000 concubines) is acceptable; slavery and sex with slaves (acceptable); marriage for girls, ages 11-13 (acceptable); treatment of women as property (acceptable); inter-racial marriage (not acceptable); birth control (not acceptable); discussing or even naming a sexual organ (not acceptable); seeing one's parents nude (definitely not acceptable).

The verses people misquote to condemn gay sex have nothing to do with homosexuality and here's why. Consider this single Biblical text that was used for centuries to condemn masturbation: "He spilled his seed on the ground... And the thing which Onan did displeased the Lord: wherefore he slew him also" (Genesis 38:9-10). For Jewish text writers, a man sleeping with another man was an abomination. But it was also an abomination (and worthy of death) to masturbate (have sex with one's self) or even to interrupt coitus (to halt sex with one's spouse before ejaculation as an act of birth control).

Why were these sexual practices abominations to Scripture writers in those ancient times? Because the Hebrew pre-scientific understanding was that male semen contained the whole of life and it was thought to be finite. With no knowledge of eggs and ovulation, it was assumed the man's sperm contained the whole child and that women provided only the incubating space. Therefore, the spilling of semen without the possibility of having a child was considered murder. Thus, spilling the seed made one a murderer and worthy of death.

The Jews were a small tribe struggling to populate a country. They were outnumbered by their enemy. You can see why it was an abomination to risk wasting even one child, but the passage says nothing about homosexuality as we understand it today.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Prop 8ers, what did you win?

Having spent millions of dollars, Prop. 8ers have won the honor of a public ballot, casting millions of stones against equality. Using the Bible to persecute others in 2008 is alive and well. Prop. 8ers misinterpretation of the Bible allows them to rationalize that basic civil rights and equality does not apply to all citizens of the United States of America.

Today, when religious people are called on the carpet for their predecessors persecuting people during the the Crusades (A series of religion-driven military campaigns—major campaigns 1095-1272, minor campaigns through 1798.), the Spanish Inquisition (1478-1834), witch hunts, promoting slavery and segregation, they have a quick explaination that goes something like this, "Those people weren't representing God as true Christians."

Even to a bystander it's crystal clear that Prop. 8ers would have easily and quite willingly joined those in supporting the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, witch hunts, promoting slavery and segregation. Prop. 8ers have now been outed for who they really are. These are people who use the Bible to promote their own personal prejudices.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hokey Religions and Ancient Mythology

If someone can easily believe in a few basic assumptions about the Bible, God, Sin and Salvation without using rational thought, then how much easier is it for someone to think rationally and recognize the Bible, God, Sin and Salvation as the ancient mythology that it is?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hi, I'm Your Neighbor and I'm a Christian or I'm a...

As a Christian, I live next to you, and I know you might not believe in my religion but since I couldn't care less about the clear separation of church and state (One of the most important principles of the United States Constitution.), I believe that I should force my religious beliefs down your throat by making my beliefs into law even if it means taking rights away from you, a citizen of the United States of America. I know for a fact my faith is real, even though I can't prove it. I believe that all people should believe in my faith and those who don't have not seen the light—as I have—are less of a person than I am because you have not figured out how to know my all powerful God and the secret to the afterlife, as I have.

As a Jew, I live next to you, and I know you might not believe in my religion but since I couldn't care less about the clear separation of church and state (One of the most important principles of the United States Constitution.), I believe that I should force my religious beliefs down your throat by making my beliefs into law even if it means taking rights away from you, a citizen of the United States of America. I know for a fact my faith is real, even though I can't prove it. I believe that all people should believe in my faith and those who don't have not seen the light—as I have—are less of a person than I am because you have not figured out how to know my all powerful God and the secret to the afterlife, as I have.

As a Muslim, I live next to you, and I know you might not believe in my religion but since I couldn't care less about the clear separation of church and state (One of the most important principles of the United States Constitution.), I believe that I should force my religious beliefs down your throat by making my beliefs into law even if it means taking rights away from you, a citizen of the United States of America. I know for a fact my faith is real, even though I can't prove it. I believe that all people should believe in my faith and those who don't have not seen the light—as I have—are less of a person than I am because you have not figured out how to know my all powerful God and the secret to the afterlife, as I have.

As a Mormon, I live next to you, and I know you might not believe in my religion but since I couldn't care less about the clear separation of church and state (One of the most important principles of the United States Constitution.), I believe that I should force my religious beliefs down your throat by making my beliefs into law even if it means taking rights away from you, a citizen of the United States of America. I know for a fact my faith is real, even though I can't prove it. I believe that all people should believe in my faith and those who don't have not seen the light—as I have—are less of a person than I am because you have not figured out how to know my all powerful God and the secret to the afterlife, as I have.

The Truth: Faith is a guess, it's your best guess, it's not a fact, faith does not equal fact, belief does not equal fact. A fact is only a fact if it's a fact and that's a fact.

If I said I have a personal relationship with Elvis and I pray to him every day and I know he's in my life and he's with me on a daily basis and his band are my angels and they protect me—you'd say I was crazy. And you want me to believe that you have a personal relationship with the creator of the entire Universe and you don't want me to think you are crazy?

It's time for people of faith to stand up and admit what their faith really is, a guess. People are so excited they think have found the key to the afterlife, they want to shove it down your throat along with any personal prejudices as well.

They can't believe their minds are not powerful enough to make rational day to day decisions on their own. They have to pray. A very simple test to see if prayer works. Try it. It never works. The only answers to prayer are yes, no or later. You can pray to a jug of milk and you will get the same answer. Yes, no or later.

Believe now, get a reward later? Who is crazy? The person who says, "I know God, he is real and I have discovered the secret to ever lasting life." Or the person who says, "I know Elvis, he is real and I have discovered the secret to ever lasting life." Or the person who says, "There is no proof God exists, our bodies are unintelligently designed, the Bible was written by primitive sexist discriminatory war mongering hateful intolerant Middle Eastern men, the Bible is not timeless, the Bible does not have continuity, the Bible is filled with contradictions and the Bible has Egyptian mythology, Greek mythology and Astrology throughout it's entirety."

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

God's Glory

"Why does God want to express his glory and goodness at all? Since he is infinitely good and glorious, what is the point? Given that God wants to express his infinite glory and goodness why does he remain hidden? One would suppose that if God wanted to express his glory, he would reveal himself and hi means of redemption so that there could be no doubt that there is a benefactor and who it is." page 243.

—From Atheism, Morality and Meaning. by Michael Martin, 2002

The big question, "Why doesn't God reveal himself now." Easy answer. God is imaginary. Visit:

Monday, November 17, 2008

Why did we have to wait so long for Christ?

Why did it take so long for Christ to come to earth to atone for our sins? People had been living for thousands of years before Christ. Did all the people before Christ go to hell? Of course, you'd have to believe there is such a thing as sin.

And out of the hundreds if not thousands of gods before Christ you'd need to believe Christ was the son of God. Many of the ancient gods (before Christ) had the same (or similar or some of the) characteristics of Christ. Really? Yes.

Reality check: The writers of the New Testament took god-like characteristics from ancient gods to formulate Christ's "god-like" qualities. Oh dear oh dear, your minister or priest didn't inform you of this?

Isn't it simply that non-Jews created Christianity for the obvious reason that people wanted a God that anyone could worship regardless of their race?

Which brings up the question, why would an all powerful, all knowledgeable God, who knows past, present and future choose only one race of people to worship him? Aren't we all Gods creatures? Why would an all powerful God discriminate based on race? And then... (deep breath) we are to believe that God changed his mind and said... "Well, now that I think about it, maybe discrimination is a bad thing. Okay, at this point in time, any race can worship me."

Of course, this brings up an entirely new point. Why would an all powerful, all knowledgeable God, who knows past, present and future need to be worshiped, anyway? Geez... there are so many questions and too few answers. And the "God works in mysterious ways" is a catch-all cop-out phrase used when Christians don't have an answer for people who ask logical, rational questions about the Bible and their God.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Astrology. 12 months, 12 signs. There are over 6 billion people on earth. If you believe in astrology, are you saying that you believe there are basically 12 types of people in the world?

Take 6 billion and divide by 12, that equals 500,000,000 people. Are you saying you believe that approximately 500,000,000 million people on earth have the same traits, they same type of day or influenced in the same type of way, or will they have the same type of future? Based on their sign?

Oh wait, there are more variations than twelve because it depends upon the exact second you were born, right? Well, I don't believe in that hog wash since since there are only twelve signs. But let's take the position the second you were born will determine your life. 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour or 3,600 seconds. 24 hours a day or 24 X 3,600 = 86,400 seconds in a day. 365 days per year X 86,400 seconds = 31,536,000 seconds in a year. Over 6 billion people on earth divided by 31,536,000 seconds in a year. Which means 190 people on earth have the exact same type of day, future and lives to live based on astrology. Ha! The ancient astrologist never thought there'd be over 6 billion on earth. So the second you were born theory sucks the big one.

Why do people believe in ancient hocus pocus? Primitive men who less schooling that a 5th grader of today created astrology.

"Astrology is now regarded as unscientific both by scientific bodies and by individual scientists[37][38] and has been labeled as a pseudoscience." ---from wikipedia:

"Pseudoscience is defined as a body of knowledge, methodology, belief, or practice that is claimed to be scientific or made to appear scientific, but does not adhere to the scientific method,[2][3][4] lacks supporting evidence or plausibility,[5] or otherwise lacks scientific status.[6] The term comes from the Greek root pseudo- (false or pretending) and "science" (from Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge")." ---from wikipedia:

"When testing for cognitive, behavioral, physical and other variables, one study of astrological "time twins" [Time twins: Two people born on the same day.] showed that human characteristics are not molded by the influence of the Sun, Moon and planets at the time of birth.[58][59] Skeptics of astrology also suggest that the perceived accuracy of astrological interpretations and descriptions of one's personality can be accounted for by the fact that people tend to exaggerate positive 'hits' and overlook whatever does not fit, especially when vague language is used.[58]

They also argue that statistical research is often wrongly seen as evidence for astrology due to uncontrolled artifacts.[60] A large-scale study, with a sample size of about 15,000 "astro-twins", was published in 2006. It examined the relationship between date of birth and individual differences in personality and general intelligence, and found no evidence that a connection existed.[61] It also found no relationship between the zodiacal signs and participants' personal traits.[61]" ---from wikipedia:

Conclusion: If you are looking at astrology to see the historical significance it has played in ancient cultures or today, that's one thing.

However, since today's science shows that astrology is a pseudoscience (a false science), why waste time thinking the movement of the earth and the moon in relationship to stars has anything to do with how you live or how your life might change or who you are as a person?

Don't you think it would be better to focus on real life than ancient false science. Meaning, don't you think it's better to use your ability to reason, to make day to day decisions and use your brain to determine how you feel about your life than to rely on (or sometimes rely) on an ancient false science?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Gay Parents = Danger to Kids. Nah, Nope and False.

When straight parents coerce their gay kids to be straight and fail, why is this? Because their kids are gay from the start. You can't change gay kids to be straight. The opposite is true.

Straight parents do an excellent job at raising gay kids, they've been doing this for thousands of years. Thank you. We now have millions upon millions of gay people on earth raised by straight parents. Thank you, once again, for all you straight parents at doing an absolutely fantastic job at raising gay kids.

When I ask straight males if I could turn them to be gay or if a hot male model could turn them to be gay, now or at a young age, they all answer—very quickly and concisely—No!, or Never!, or No way!, or Hell no! or a similar response. Their response is usually repeated several times to make sure, I know—without a shadow of a doubt—they are completely straight and would never, ever, ever, ever have gay sex, ever! Never! Ever! Never! Did I say never?! They are straight and no one, under any circumstance could turn them to be gay.

Now, if you are straight, why not read this last paragraph about 1,000 times.

Since straight people admit they can't be turned to be gay, then why are a certain percentage of straight people worried that gay parents could ever be successful at coercing their straight kids to be gay? It would never happen. To top it off, gay parents would never try to coerce their kids to be gay or straight. Never, ever, never, never ever, never, ever, never and never!

Straight parents try to change their kids sexuality all the time but gay parents would never do this. Why? Because gay parents have already had straight parents try to turn them to be straight and they thought this was disgusting. Gay parents would never torture their children in this fashion.

Gay parents would never use their children's sexuality to make them feel unsafe at home. Many straight parents use sexuality to make their kids feel unsafe at home and it's very sad.

A certain percentage of straight parents would use some or a combination of the following to their gay son/daughter:

Son/daughter, you should really try dating a girl/boy. When are you going to get a girl/boy friend? If you don't date a girl/boy, what are our relatives (neighbors, friends, church members, the minister, etc.) going to think? You being gay is an embarrassment to our family. Being with a guy/girl is unnatural. You will not succeed in life if you are gay. It's harder to be gay than straight, why not just try being straight. You are gay?—you are not part of this family. No kid of mine will be gay in my house, you are kicked out immediately. You are gay?—I'll beat you until you realize you that straight is the only way.

What gay parents will say to their kids:

Son/daughter I want you know that when you discover your sexuality, I'll support you regardless. You'll have no pressure to be anyone except the beautiful person who you are naturally.


Homophobic straight people don't think these things through because they are not discriminated against for simply holding hands in public with the opposite sex. Also, straight people are not shunned upon when they kiss in public with the opposite sex. Why should straight people think these things through? They don't have to because they don't need to—to survive. Which is why I write these things so that common sense will find those who want it.

A note to anyone who councils parents.

When will counselors begin to teach the truth of this blog entry to straight parents?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Two Gay Guys Run for City Council in San Diego

There were two gay guys running for city council, District 3, in San Diego in 2008. One was Todd Gloria and the other Steven Whitburn. I live in District 3, the zip code is 92103. Since there were two gay guys running, I decided to keep their campaign mail just for fun. I'm going to write about Todd and Steve in alphabetical order, so no one is offended, concerning which order I write about these two guys. Of course, I might still offend someone, anywhoos...

Todd Gloria had fifteen (15) pieces of campaign mailers in my zip code. Steven Whitburn had seven (7) pieces of campaign mailers in my zip code. So... how many trees would that be? I wonder if the the graphic designers got paid well? Err, I'm a graphic designer, I think about these things.

Oh... and... why did Todd have two (2) smear mailers against Steve. And why did Steve have one (1) smear mailer against Todd. And the Gay and Lesbian Times, in San Diego, endorsed Todd Gloria. Why didn't the Gay and Lesbian Times simply offer Todd and Steve as two candidates to vote for and list each with their strong points? (I guess I'll never get anything printed again in the Gay and Lesbian Times or will I?)

Here are my last two questions. Why were there so many mailers by these guys? Why did they both have smear campaigns against each other? Which one is telling the truth? Will we ever find out?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Do Homophobic Christians Brag to Each Other how They Effectively Divide Family and Communities?

In the past, I've asked several homophobic Christian relatives about me being gay. They all say they accept me, it's not a problem that I'm gay.

Then when the vote for marriage equality came up (in 2008), I asked them how they'd vote. They all said they'd vote against marriage equality. I simply said, now do you understand why I don't want to talk or be with you?

Do you think my relatives go back to their church and brag to their Christian friends how they have single-handedly divided our family?

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Did you Know I Bleed Red?

A couple of weeks ago, I was talking to some homophobic straight guys at work about marriage equality. I said to them, "Did you know you I bleed red? The same color as you bleed?" No response. "I have the same organs as you also." Still no response. They didn't get it.

Their only answer to marriage equality was it had nothing to do with equal rights, that it only had to do with gays wanting to have the traditional title, "Marriage"—that straights have had for years. They said that we could call it anything we want (a civil union or we can make up a name) but we don't have the right to take away all these years of tradition and call gay marriage a marriage.

I said, "So, we know the Declaration of Independence says, 'All men are created equal', you don't believe in this?" The one guy said, "We are all equal, except for the point about marriage."

Prop. 8 Passing and What it Means to Me

Prop. 8 passing says to me that institutionalized homophobia and religious bigotry is alive and well in only some religious circles. But homophobia is now becoming a passing fad.

Several years ago, the margin for gay marriage was wider. This year the margin for gay marriage was almost 50/50. The margin for gay marriage continues to grow as years pass. In a few years, I believe a majority of Californian's will side for equal rights.

Which is why I believe Prop. 8 passing by a narrow margin is a win for us. And I believe Prop. 8 passing is another nail in the coffin for religion having a strong hold on the masses.

10,000 People in San Diego Protesting the Prop 8 Vote

Wow. 10,000 people in San Diego marching against Prop. 8. winning. I say, "Wow" because San Diego is a very laid back town and it's not easy getting people in mass for any cause and I mean any cause! By the way... I was there! I wasn't really marching, I was riding my bicycle.

Last night, a San Diego news station reported we had the largest number of people demonstrating against Prop. 8 win in California. Wow again.

It was amazing to be part of this.

Besides the hundreds of Vote No on Prop. 8 Signs, here are a few—a few—of the signs I saw:

• 2nd Class Citizen Nov. 4, 2008
• Separation of Church and Hate
• Keep Mormon Hate Out of My State
• I Love My Gay Wife
• Love
• LDS meet the IRS (Meaning, once it's shown the LDS is doing something political, the IRS could change them from a non-profit organization to a for-profit organization. It would be funny, wouldn't it?)
• I am an American too.
• Yes We Can
• What Rights Are Next?
• Gay Marriage. It Isn't Over!
• Hope Reigns
• Equality For All
• There is no "Us" or "Them" there is only "We." When we use "Us" and "Them" it only divides people (and nations). [Oh... this last one is mine.]

See San Diego's NBC, Channel 7/39 TV news story in text.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

“Divine Punishment and Reward Theory”

There are several problems with the “Divine Punishment and Reward Theory” of the Bible.

• The Biblical rewards or punishment happens only after death. No one knows what happens after death, it can’t be proven. This is a fact.

• There is very little motivation to follow God’s laws until you are older. “Criminologists tell us in order to be maximally effective; punishment and rewards must be immediate and certain. For most theists divine rewards and punishments are hardly immediate.”

• Since it’s a reward solely based on faith in Jesus as Savor, you really don’t need to fulfill your “moral obligation.” Wealthy Christians conveniently ignore Christ’s teaching daily, concerning Mark 10:25, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

• How can a loving God morally and ethically justify billions of people going to hell through no fault of their own, simply because they haven’t heard about Christ? If you say, God works in mysterious ways, there is a four letter word and you’re full of it. How could anyone in their right mind, think this catch all phrase can easily explain away why an all powerful loving God would be eternally mean to his own living creations for the simple reason they never heard about him?

• Believe now—just in case it’s true—it’s a nice insurance policy. Hey if it’s not true, who gets hurt? How could an insurance policy be a bad thing? Why pay for something you don't need? Wasted time results in missing out on living in reality.

• What if you live to Christ’s moral behavior, but don’t believe in Christ? Why would you still go to hell? I know, what you are saying, that person didn’t ask to get in. But an extremely immoral person can get into heaven just by asking to get in. Let me get this straight… You planned a big, Big, BIG party, but you are not inviting anyone except those that knock on your door (those that invite themselves). Your nice and extremely moral neighbor, a friend, is not invited to your party because he didn’t invite himself? But the guy who just shot your wife or husband the same day of your party, is allowed to come to your party because he asked to be invited? Wow.

I believe I can guess at the response most Christians will have on my party theory. They would say, that's exactly correct. It's time to take a quick peek at a common component of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy (CBT), it's called, "Delusional thinking."

Almost all the above is paraphrased (direct quotes use quote marks) from the book, “Atheism, Morality, and Meaning.” Pages, 179-180, by Michael Martin, 2002.

The party analogy is mine.

Do you Vote?

I asked (on November 6, 2008) this homophobic guy at work if he voted on November 4th, 2008. Curiosity was getting to me. He said no. He doesn't vote because it's doesn't make a difference.

He said, if they want to build bombs they build them. If they want to start wars in other countries, they do it. We saw the government give billions of dollars to businesses recently. Why can't the US government give everyone a house and health insurance? If they wanted to, they could do it.

Usually, I don't agree on topics or issues with this guy at work. On his suggestion about giving everyone a house and health insurance, I agree with him.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Obama Headlines

Obama News Headlines

(This link above, takes to you a site that shows pictures of the front pages of newspapers, nation wide and world wide about Obama winning. Recommended by a friend of mine.)

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Prop. 8 Passes in California

Prop. 8, a ballot proposition that would ban same-sex marriage in California, passed by a narrow margin—5,987,332 (52.5%) for, 5,463,833 (47.7%) against, or a total of 11,451,165 votes. See Prop Results.

As of 2006, the estimated number of people who live in California is 36,457,549. People under 18 make up 26.1% of the population, or a total of 9,515,420 non-voting Californians, leaving about 26,942,129 eligible voters. 42.50% of the eligible voters in California voted on Prop. 8. See Census source.

The vote was by a narrow margin, but that might not be too important. Formed by religious belief or not, many Californians think Prop. 8 is wrong and have concluded the Constitution should protect the rights of its citizens.

People might not realize that Prop. 8 was unwise. The religious right did not think their proposition through because, win or lose, equality will always win. Why? Because Americans don't like their rights and liberties taken away.

Not believing in equal rights is bad press for the religious right. To put it bluntly, it's anti-American. Not a good thing. They have put their money and votes where their mouths are—liberty, justice and equality is not for all. Only those who are straight are afforded rights protected by the Constitution. What did the proponents of Prop. 8 win? Nothing.

Another question: Can straight atheists marry in church?

People who don't believe in or don't understand the importance of the separation of church and state should take a basic course in the US Constitution. Many Christians think their tenets should be incorporated into US legislation. Bad idea. For some reason, Christians don't realize that doing so abhors non-Christians (and the not-so-religious right) just as much as voting Buddhism, Hinduism, or Islam tenets into US law would repulse many Christians.

This is not the end of debating marriage rights in California and here's why. What if a majority of people passed a proposition that banned the practice of religion in California? Hey, it's a majority vote!

The Prop. 8ers did not think about this. Can a proposition that takes away the rights of US citizens change the California constitution? Time will tell.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

What I've Been Saying for Years

I've been traveling to Europe since 2001. Every time I was able to have a conversation with someone in Europe or Asia, they have disliked Bush. The reason I know this is, is when I first meet someone, I quickly point out I did not vote for Bush. Then people immediately start telling me how they don't like Bush and how horrible it is that we are at war with Iraq. When I got back to the U.S., I'd casually mentioned this to people at work, people had no interest—apathetic to the world wide disgust of Bush.

Why does it seem that American's as a whole don't care if Cheney and Bush are impeached? I will always hold my ground and say that it will be the crime of the century if Cheney and Bush are not impeached.

On a better note, due to Obama getting elected, the happiness of people all over the world is in the news. See the link to the article in the blog entry below.

Obama—"a Truly Global President"

"What an inspiration. He is the first truly global U.S. president the world has ever had," said Pracha Kanjananont, a 29-year-old Thai sitting at a Starbuck's in Bangkok. "He had an Asian childhood, African parentage and has a Middle Eastern name. He is a truly global president."

Source: "Obama—a Truly Global President," by John Leicester, Associated Press, November 5, 2008. See story: News Article

This Time America Knows it was a Majority Vote That put President Obama in Office

...and we are grateful a real leader has been elected to the White House. Today, November 5th, 2008, Cheney and Bush should voluntarily remove themselves from office and let the real President, President Obama, run the country.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

There is an Easy Solution to Taking TV off the air.

Take your TV(s) and drop it (them) off at your Senator's or Congressperson's office. Or just send your TV to the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C. I think they will get the message.

The Wicked Witch of the Northwest?

I thought the wicked witch was from the west. Times have changed.

Monday, November 03, 2008

It's not Natural for Gay People to Have Sex.

A co-worker said to me last night, look, it's easy to see that it's unnatural for gays to have sex. And... it's obvious our purpose is to procreate with the opposite sex to further the human race. Anyone can easily see that a guy and a girl are made to have sex together. How would you be here if it wasn't for straight people having sex?

Unnatural? The first question to ask is, how do you know this for a fact? The answer: No one knows the ultimate answer as to what is natural sex between two human beings. I know it's natural for me to have sex with a guy and it's not natural for me to have sex, with the opposite sex.

My question is, why is it that many straight people want to make everyone straight? Gay people say, be who you are. Who's doing the converting here? Gays or straights? It just kills some straight people that they can't convert gays to straight.

Procreation. How is it that I am here? Because there are more straight people than gay people. Freak! Our race will always survive because there will always straight people procreating. For this reason alone, the "How is the human race going to survive, if everyone is gay" argument holds no water.

Realistically, what is the chance the human race could either be all straight or all gay? It would never happen this way. Human sexuality is diverse as people are themselves diverse. There is sexual diversity in the human race whether straight people like it or not. What about people who don't like sex, or don't want to have sex? I know straight women who have no interest in sex. Are they perverted for not wanting to further the human race?

Fact: Straight people have already over populated the earth. There are over 6 billion people on earth and about 5 million children die of starvation each year. It's very sad.

How would my co-worker like it if I said this: I can easily say that it's obvious that cultures surviving for thousands of years created the races of Asians, Whites, Middle Easterners, Africans, Indians and so on and so forth, because they did not mix races. Isn't it obvious that these cultures were meant to be separate and not mixed? Tradition dictates that if our various cultures were not mixed for thousands of years, then why mix them now? Why erase the culture and tradition of pure races? Mixing cultures corrupts the human race.

Look at Asian people, not only do they have the same physical traits (straight black hair, slanted eyes, fair to naturally tan skin, etc.) but they have their own culture and language, to top it off. Each race has their own distinct physical characteristics as well as their own culture and language.

It's easy to see that skin color, hair type, eyes that are slanted, noses that are larger or smaller, foreheads that are shorter or taller, and the scent of a person should not be commingled with another race. To mix races is ridiculous. It's obvious that the mixing of races is not natural, don't you agree?

The guy at work who told me it's unnatural for gays to have sex, is a mixed guy of several races. How would he like it if I said that mixed people are a corruption to the human race and it should be made law that he can't have sex with anyone for fear of corrupting the human race even further. That he is repulsive and a danger to society for not being a pure breed human being. How would he feel if I told him this?

Look at young children. Why is it that children of mixed races can learn together, play together and be friends together without noticing each other's skin color? For the simple reason they haven't been taught yet to hate other people due to skin color. Racism is obviously a learned behavior.

You can see men and women are made for each other. It takes a man and a woman for procreation, yes of course, I'm not denying this. However, same-sex sex is for the pleasure of sex, not for procreation. How many times do straight people have sex and they don't procreate?

Filipino Culture. In the Philippines it's natural for two straight friends to hold each others hands when casually walking down the street. It's not considered gay. Imagine if the culture of the U.S.A. allowed for friends and co-workers of the same sex to hold each others hands? For the simple and pure reason as a way to connect as friends—it would have nothing to do with sex. If this ever happened, it would be difficult to tell which guys were gay and which guys were not.


Sunday, November 02, 2008

Money Isn't Everything. Money Doesn't Bring You Happiness.

Those are the biggest two lies of the century. Money is everything and money does buy you happiness. I've traveled world wide because of money. I feel so alive when I'm traveling because I don't have to worry about work. Vacations relax my brain, my body and my life—and my creativity increases. When I get back home and go back to work, people even tell me I look refreshed.

The last two vacations I spent were on cruises (2007 & 2008) in the Mediterranean. Some travel books reveal the Mediterranean is the best spot in the world to take a cruise. This is due to the good climate and the calm waters of the Mediterranean. On the cruises, my time was my own and being pampered was the crew's top priority for their passengers. I was pampered so much that my creativity spiked and I started writing books on each cruise. I hope to have one of my books completed either late 2008 or early 2009.

Traveling also afforded me the opportunity to meet new people and experience new things. I can say I've met people from England, Turkey and Bangkok. I've purchased such-and-such in Venice, I bought this trinket in Paris, I purchased this item in Hong Kong and I bought this souvenir in Prague. I've stood at the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris (This is an incredible experience.), I've been to St. Mark's Square (a.k.a Piazza San Marco) in Venice, had a boat ride in the long tail boats (a.k.a James Bond boat from the movie, Man with the Golden Gun) in Bangkok and I've visited La Sagrada Família in Barcelona. And yes, Barcelona is a fantastic city. These are just some of the things I've done.

When I first started working for a new company several years ago I told several of my co-workers that I've traveled all around the world. My one co-worker said she was too busy to travel. Another employee commented that he never has been outside California. He said he didn't need to since California offers everything he needed. I feel sorry that this guy actually believes this.

There's another guy where I work and he says he would never travel outside the United States because people in other countries will chop your head off. I asked the don't-chop-off-my-head-guy, where on the news have you seen this and what countries? He said, "Well, I don't remember where but I've seen it." I said there are more murders in this country per year than most industrialized countries put together per year. He said, well, if they kill you here, they don't chop your head off. I wish more Americans would use their brain.

I've heard we have a lot of gun related deaths in the U.S. but I wasn't sure of the totals, so I've tried to locate some gun death totals per country but it's not so easy to find this information. I've found some interesting information listed below:

U.S. fire-arm related deaths in 2001 is approximately 30,000.

Canadian fire-arm related deaths in 2001 is 842. (page 43 of the PDF)

Australia fire-arm related deaths in 2001 is 333.

[These are not active links, you'll need to copy and paste them into a browser if you are interested. Sorry about that, not enough time to link them.]

So, two points, money is everything, money does buy you happiness and there are lots of murders in the U.S. Hey, it's my blog, if I want to make these points in one blog I can!

I'm trying to say it seems that some people in the U.S. are satisfied by living here and don't see the need to experience other cultures and people despite the fact there are incredible things outside of the United States—and for many countries, it's probably safer to be traveling outside the U.S.A., ta boot!

Of course that brings me to another point for a blog about the "culture of fear" in the U.S.A. created by Bush to push through Homeland Security and to take away our rights. Another blog, another time.

The Final Solution

Doesn't "Marriage equals one man and one women. Protect marriage!" have the similar ring to it, as how the Third Reich promoted the Final Solution? Well... maybe not that similar but homophobic straight people—today—just can't come out and say, "Kill all the gays" anymore. I mean, even homophobic straight people know it's wrong to kill the customer and lose profits.

So, instead, they say it's not an equal rights thing, it's tradition. Don't they mean it's tradition for religious people to teach institutionalized homophobia and why the hell would we want to stop the tradition of blaming "others" for all our troubles? If we don't have the gays to hate, who will we say is causing all the trouble in this world? We'll have to say it's Satan and that's not as fun as saying that gays are causing all the trouble.

From California Protect Marriage (November 2, 200) site. The bold is their quote and the italics are my comments.
"It protects (Don't they mean the law will insist you lie to children and say only two people can love each other only if they are of the opposite sex?) our children from being taught in public schools that “same-sex marriage” is the same as traditional marriage (It is the same. Two people loving each other. There is no difference.), and prevents other consequences (A law recognizing we are all equal? How horrible!) to Californians who will be forced (Forced? It's a free country, you can still hate gays if you still decide you don't agree with the Declaration of Independence, "...all men are created equal....") to not just be tolerant (It's America, you can still hate anyone you want, in private or public, in fact.) of gay lifestyles, but face mandatory compliance (Mandatory compliance of what? That you have to pay taxes? You will still need to pay taxes whether you are a straight or gay couple.) regardless of their personal beliefs." (There is a little something called the Separation of Church and State which makes the United States of America one of the most unique countries in the world. Take your personal bigoted, intolerant beliefs and believe them in the privacy of your own home and church. There is no room for personal prejudices and intolerance in state law or federal law.)

Follybuster. What?

"So, what the heck is a Follybuster, anyway? A Follybuster is anyone who publicly debunks a majority point of view that rewards conformity, perpetuates ignorance, disregards critical thinking, and supports overall foolishness." —Tom Interval. See my friend's blog: Follybuster Blog

His blog looks nicer than mine (not to mention that his blog has less spelling and grammatical errors) but I have better content! Ha! Just joking!

Religious Right Nut Cases

If I hate the fact that Religious Right Nut Cases hate "other" people, is my hatred of the haters wrong?

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Somtimes in my Blog I Write With Hatred Towards Others and Sometimes I Write With Love Towards Others

I'm just like God.

Will a Minister Ever Have a Sermon Titled: "Us" "Them" and "We"?

Nope. So, I'll do the sermon here, it's only four sentences long: There is no "Us" and "Them." There is only "We." Using the terms, "Us" and "Them" only divide people—friends, family and even nations. We are all interconnected, we all share the same humanity. (These four sentences are taken directly from the web site: Walk for Togetherness)

When will Christian ministers (as a whole) bring this message of our shared humanity to their flocks? Never. I think Christian American enjoys using their god and their Bible as their mechanism to promoting their own personal prejudices.

If the Christian church as a whole stopped hating gays, the only other people they'll be able to hate are people with other faiths, atheists (Of course, Christ wouldn't hate people of other faiths or atheists, his message is one of love.) and people who live outside of the United States of America. It's kind of boring to hate people outside of the country, especially when you can hate people inside the U.S.A. in the privacy of your own home, church, community and country.

My Parents Friends and my Friends

As I look back to the 1970s, when I was growing up, I remember that my parents friends where white heterosexual couples. I've told my parents recently that my friends are straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, white, African American, Mexican and Asian. My mother did not know what to say.

I asked her, do you have any gay friends? Her response was, well no, and it's because they like to hang out together by themselves. What a nut case! She actually believes, "Birds of a feather, flock together." Fine mother, then you can have the comfort of knowing that your best friends are your hateful, bigoted and intolerant friends who flock together at your church.

For the record, I do not associate with people like my parents. Period.

Wow. Watching Religious People Hate Others on T.V.

I have recently seen Christians talking on TV about Proposition 8 (California, 2008) which defines marriage only between a man and a woman. The so-called Christians publicly declare their hatred toward other human beings. It is unreal—really unreal.

It's amazing how people who claim that Jesus' main message (beside salvation) is of love, are filled with hatred towards other human beings. The real truth? Millions upon millions of Christians across America are actually false followers of Christ. Christ never spoke against homosexuality. Fact. I blame the false leaders of Christ and the false followers Christ, equally.

One of the main keys for keeping homophobia alive is how straight people think that if you accept gay people as equal to you or if you have gay friends that—you (a straight person) must be gay. Think about how illogical this is. If a gay person has straight friends, gays aren't afraid that other gay people will accuse them of being straight. The other key to institutionalized homophobia is how the American flock of false followers of Christ accept the intolerance so easily from their minister's and clergy's sermons.

Religious Right Nut Cases are saying gays equate pedophilia and that gay sex is equal to bestiality, which implies that gays will screw anything around even if it happens to be an animal. Don't people ever think for themselves?

Again homophobic people aren't thinking for themselves. The average pedophile in the United States is a 34 year old married male (married to a woman) with two kids. This is a fact. Look it up on a reliable web site. If you look at a religious site, it is not reliable, they only tell lies to promote their own prejudices.

If you have any doubts what-so-ever about who is and who is not a pedophile, then stop demonizing others based on your own ignorance. Research the statistics yourself, call your police department and see what they say. They will tell you there are more heterosexual pedophiles than gay pedophiles who are arrested, simply because there are more heterosexuals than homosexuals. Homosexuality does not equate pedophilia.

What is more important to you, that you blindly believe lies told to you by others or that you yourself have researched pedophilia to know actual facts? Once you know the facts, if this subject comes up with friends, family, work or at church, you can say you've researched the subject and that homosexuality does not equate pedophilia. You can tell people it's time to stop lying or stop believing in the lies about this.

Homosexuality does not equate bestiality. Like I said in an earlier post. There is a huge difference between bestiality and homosexuality. Bestiality is having sex with an animal and homosexuality is sex between two people. Why do we need to spell these things out for America? Is the American public that stupid? You know what they say, the masses are asses.

As I said before, what homophobic straight people don't get is that gay sex is natural for gay people. Straight sex is not natural for gay people. So, when a homophobic person thinks that gay sex is unnatural, it's because... gay sex is not natural for a straight person. The only sex that is natural for a straight person is straight sex.

The Christian church has years and years of apologies to make to the American people and the rest of the world for their message of hatred of others. When will they step up to the plate and apologize for their public hatred, bigotry and intolerance of others?